Middleton Hog, well and truly roasted.

L1060004From the looks of things, the Middleton Hog was indeed well and truly roasted. The weather did its thing and kept clear for most of the day and no shelter was required. The organising team did a great job of pulling the day together and attracting a goodly number of visitors to the event. The bar was open, which is always a good thing, and there was gambling galore on the bunny race. Too much interest there from one or two members with a few shilling being wagered and lost in the name of a good cause.  

The Hog disappeared quite swiftly, as it was devoured during the course of the afternoon, with everyone enjoying the stalls, raffle and refreshments on display. The few children attending brought a real delight to the event enjoying themselves and entertaining the adults with joyful antics. It was a great afternoon and one that should be repeated.

Here are the pictures from the Hog Roast at Middleton Masonic Hall.


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