WBro Thomas Stewart Mills (TSM to his friends) has certainly had a busy year as one of several of our Mark Fellowhip Reps !

This recently concluded with a visit to Middleton RAM 1303, at which 13 brethren were in attendance to witness WBro Rev David Halford being installed into the Chair of the Lodge.

After a quick turnaround, the Members set up into a short Mark Degree meeting, which was followed by a superb 4 course meal. A pleasant evening was had by all.
One of Stewarts first visits earlier in the season was to Quatuor Legati 1065 at Bolton in Oct. This was followed by – November, Faith RAM/Mark 20 meet at Middleton, Lathom RAM 136 meet at Bury, Goulburn Mark 680 at the Old Bill in Oldham, and Friendship Mark 1459 at Middleton. December saw him attending – Union Mark 32 at Bridge St. January – William Romaine Callender 136 at Bury. February – Lathom RAM 136 again at Bury, Quatuour Legati Mark 1065 at Bolton and Union Mark 32 at Bridge St. A busy March arrived with visits to Faith RAM/Mark at Middleton, WR Callender 136 at Bury, Turton RAM at the Last Drop Inn Bolton and St Johns TI Mark at Bolton. April saw visits to Lathom RAM 136 at Bury, Wike Mark 142 at Radcliffe, Union Mark 32 at Bridge St, Friendship Mark 14509 then Middleton RAM/Mark 1303, both at Middleton.