Mossley Mark & RAM Lodges 1010 & 1381 – Sunday Social

Mossley Mark & RAM Lodges - Sunday SocialThe dark clouds rolled menacingly across the sky and in what seemed like an instant, turned suddenly to black. The first drops of rain fell as the wind, in its’ frenzy took hold. The drops turned in seconds to a deluge driven by the wind into the faces of those brave few, the hardy Mariners, desperately trying to shield their womenfolk from the onslaught.

“We’re not going to make it, Commander !” came the cry.

“Have faith Mariners !” he shouted above the storm. “For ’tis only by our will and determination shall we succeed and complete our quest !”

A faint light appeared in the distance – “North by North West !” cried the Commander. They changed tack and set the new course as the light grew ever brighter. And so they journeyed on until they reached a portal. The Commander stepped gingerly forward, took hold of the large brass handle and drew the door slowly open. Stepping through, the Mariners and their Ladies followed, warily.

“Pint of bitter please – am spitting feathers here !” the Commander demanded of mine host Ian, Landlord of the Printers Arms in Denshaw, Saddleworth where the 3rd annual Sunday Social was taking place.

They were greeted by fellow Mariners and Mark Masons and their Ladies from the Mossley Mark & RAM Lodges. Even those strange folk from the mystic lands of the Dale of Roch, accompanied by even stranger folk from the Field of Duk-In had made the perilous journey from car park to pub door.

After pre-lunch drinks, the Brethren and their Ladies took their seats promptly at 1pm, followed 15 minutes later by the contingent from Rose of York (You told me half one! – No I didn’t). What followed in the next couple of hours was a wonderful 3 course meal with lively conversation – no speeches, no toasts. A first for our new PGM, RWBro Alex Sillars McLaren and his charming wife Lesley who, along with all present, agreed it was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.

Mossley Mark & RAM Lodges - Sunday Social

Finally, the raffle raised the princely sum of £145 for the Mark 2021 Festival, with yours truly winning the first prize of a bottle of Glenfiddich (I also won a bottle of Grouse on Friday at Bridge St so am on a hat-trick tonight at 990 RAM folks !).

One thought on “Mossley Mark & RAM Lodges 1010 & 1381 – Sunday Social

  1. Ian Stone Reply

    It would have been prudent to stay at home on this day which the weathermen say was the worst in recent years, but having braved the torrential rain and severe wind my wife and I had the most enjoyable afternoon. Great food, great venue and excellent company.

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