Mossley Lodges Sunday Social

On Sunday December 2nd at the Printers Arms in Denshaw , Saddleworth the 4 Mark and RAM Lodges based in Mossley (Rose of York 1010 and Mossley 1381) once again joined forces to hold their annual Sunday Social.

WBros Peter Adamson (WM/WC Rose of York 1010) and Mark Rowe (Mossley RAM 1381).

A total of 28 Brethren with their Ladies and friends braved the foul weather to enjoy a couple of hours together.

WBros Barry Rhodes and John Wilson with their Ladies Anne and Lynda.

Following a brief warm welcome from organiser WBro Garry Errock, everyone tucked in to enjoy a sumptious 3 course lunch and much banter ensued.

WBro Garry Errock with family and friends.

The remaining half dozen squares on a Double Chance Draw Card were sold with the lucky winner of the £20 initial prize being WBro Les Morgan of Mossley RAM 1381. This was followed by the usual raffle and in total the grand sum of £150 was raised for the 2021 Festival.

WBros T.Stewart Mills and David Rainford ProvGSec

Everyone agreed it was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and we are all already looking forward to next years event – booked for 1st December 2019 !

Words & pics by TSM

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