Mossley Mariners Raise £350

Westholme was the venue last night for a St Georges Day Concert by Mossley Band, which raised the grand total of £350 for the Mark 2021 Festival.

The patriotic Mariners of Mossley RAM 1381 together with their ladies, friends and family were treated to an excellent evening of brass band music culminating in rousing renditions of Rule Britannia, Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory which prompted much flag waving. A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all !

Mossley Band

4 thoughts on “Mossley Mariners Raise £350

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    Well done Gaz just got back from France spoke to my Mum and Dad, they had a great time as did my Great Niece (aged 9)who apparently sung Land of Hope and Glory all the way home. Shame I could not be there.

    1. Garry Errock Reply

      Thanks Mark.

      They turned up about an hour early so I had to entertain them – they watched as I balanced precariously on step-ladders putting up the St Georges Day bunting !
      Hope you had un bon sejour en Bretagne – see you soon.

  2. Andrew V Greenhalgh Reply

    A very good evening out so book early with Garry for next year.

    Duncan Byers conducted and compaired a varied program ranging from the classical test piece Verdi’s Overture to “Nabbucco” through to pop hits such as “Life on Mars” and Bohemian Rhapsody.

    Last Night of the Proms favourites “Fantasia on British Sea Songs” along with Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory gave the audience a chance to work off the Meat and Potato or Cheese and Onion Pie and Peas.

    It was a close contest on the volume front so a few more in the audience next year should tip things our way against the Band as well as increasing the profit from tickets and the raffle.


    1. Garry Errock Reply

      Thanks Andy.

      Although numbers looked down a bit on last year, there were about a dozen people who had paid for tickets but for one reason or another, couldn’t make it on the evening. The band however gratefully disposed of the “no-shows” share of the pies !

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