Mossley Mark 1381

WBro John Hartley Smith DepPGM, Bro.Des Rushworth WM, WBro George Scaife ProvGChStwd

November has been one of the busiest months so far for the Provincial Acting Officers Team with a total of 10 meetings scheduled to receive a Deputation – Adoniram 1065, Constitution 949, County Palatine 156, FW Broadbent 1132, Goulburn 680, Keep 911, Mossley 1381, Pendle 695, Perseverance 403 and Wike 142.

One such small Deputation visited Westholme Masonic Hall in Mossley last Monday, where the Deputy Provincial Grand Master WBro John Hartley Smith was accompanied by WBro Steve Lawlor ProvAGDC. They were joined by the Provincial Grand Charity Steward WBro George Scaife AGDC, WBro Mark Rowe ProvDepGSwdB and yours truly.

A warm welcome was given to us by the WM Bro Des Rushworth and the Brethren of Mossley and very pleasant evening was had by all.

WBro Garry Errock ProvAGSec

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