Mossley Mark 1381- Meeting Notice

At the recent meeting of Mossley Mark Lodge no. 1381, held on 11th November 2019, it was agreed that the next meeting on Monday 13th January 2020 will commence at 11:00 am followed by lunch. At this meeting, we will consider holding all future meetings of Mossley Mark Lodge 1381 at 11:00 am.

We already have 4 brethren likely to join.

Kind regards,

John Pearson


2 thoughts on “Mossley Mark 1381- Meeting Notice

  1. Stewart Mills Reply

    After a wet & windy drive to the outer sticks of Greater Manchester finally arrived at Mossley Masonic Hall to be greeted by colleagues of the Mark Degrees. There were only 10 brethren in the bar area. With only 4 were members. But as like always in the Mark, we were all given various positions to fill & the lodge opened up at 6-35 by the WM P. M Holt P.G.J.D. In fine style. This was followed by a paper about the beginning of the mark degree & the turmoil which went on for many years to follow. The lodge closed down at 7-30. Processed by a very happy social board where we really did enjoy the festive meal. An out of the sticks raffle took place ( tsm ) raised £70 for good causes. & of course, tsm had his stall of goodies for sale including the Golden tickets. Just like to thank the brethren for the hospitality & comradeship. The evening ended at 9-20 pm. The secretary did mention that Mossley Mark 1381 could be moving to a day time lodge next year. Brethren out there who could be interested please contact the secretary for further information. Tsm

  2. WBro Garry Errock PGStB Reply

    Great evening, with Members of Rose of York 1010 Mark & RAM together with us from Mossley RAM 1381 (Oh, and some geezer from W.R.Callendar 136 in a Bentley !) attending.

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