Mossley is a town built on three borders Lancashire, Cheshire and Yorkshire. On Monday the 9th of April, Mark Masons gathered to celebrate the installation of John Wilson as Worshipful Master.
As Mossley has a Shengen agreement, no passports were necessary on the night. This resulted in the attendance of envoys from Cheshire and West Yorkshire Provinces, whilst East Lancashire Province provided a fine body of men all of whom were Acting Officers of the year, led by WBro Tony Davies APGM. A number of the team were first time visitors to the extremities of the Province, some arriving late after discovering that in “Mossleyworld” Satnav does not work. In fact some Brethren resorted to asking directions, which all added to the fun of the evening.
Our Provincial Senior Warden almost had a stand in part as acting Warden, when out of the blue the Lodge Senior Warden arrived just in time for the start. Once the stragglers from far and wide were seated, the Installation commenced. The Installation was conducted in a unique Mossley style, with a number of Officers taking part in the ceremony. All done in fine form, with donations made to various charities all of which were gratefully received.
The social board was preceeded with a little light libation provided by the new Worshipful Master, gin & tonics or whisky being the order of the day. The new Worshipful Master was toasted and we all sat down to a fine meal.
Afterwards, John spoke about his time in Mossley Lodge saying he was proud to once again take the Chair. When he first joined the Lodge it was the biggest in the Province. He complemented the strong team he had around him. Looking around the room, he commented on the fact that a number of the present members had followed their fathers into the Lodge. John pledged to do all he could to promote Mossley Mark and bring in some new candidates.

Tony Davies APGM congratulated the new Worshipful Master and said he was glad to see so many friends and guests supporting John with over 30 Brethren in the room. The Province would do all it could to support the Lodge as could be seen in the fantastic turn out of Provincial Officers. Tony said some of the first time visitors had noted on arrival it was raining, Tony had visited a number of times each time it had rained on the one occasion it did not it snowed. Tony thanked the Lodge for the charity donations and wished the Lodge well.
So if you are a Craft Mason and are thinking about joining Mark Masonry, contact the Provincial Office or better still contact Mossley Mark Lodge I am sure John and the Lodge will give you a warm and friendlyMark welcome. Details are on this website.
WBro Mark Rowe ProvDepGSwdB