Mossley RAM Elevation

On a wet and miserable evening Mossley Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1381 held their meeting at Westholme, Mossley, with 17 Mariners present including 2 visitors, the Lodge set sail at 6:40.

The Worshipful Commander, WBro Barry Rhodes, RAMGR, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them all for attending. The evening was a special occasion as they were to ballot for and if approved to Elevate Bro Craig Pattison a member of Semper Paratus Mark Lodge No 852.

The Worshipful Commander conducted the ceremony in a fitting manner along with the members of this fine Lodge and with the help of one visitor. Following the closure of the Lodge at 7:50 pm, 16 brethren adjourned to the dining room where they all enjoyed a lovely 3-course meal.

The raffle raised £85 towards good causes. A most enjoyable evening and many thanks for a very warm welcome.


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