Mountain Rescue Donation from East Lancs Mark Masons

PGM and Mountain Rescue Teams
The PGM with representatives of the Local Mountain Rescue Teams

On a recent cold, but thankfully dry Saturday morning at Rochdale Masonic Hall, our Provincial Grand Master met with representatives of the five Mountain Rescue Teams who are based throughout East Lancashire and who East Lancashire Mark Masons have supported for a number of years. The meeting was arranged to present cheques on behalf of the ELMBF’s Flood Relief Fund to each team. These donations were in recognition of the sterling work that the individual team members had done in supporting the other Emergency Services (Fire, Police and Ambulance) during the recent floods. Although based in Lancashire team members had assisted flood relief in York and Cumbria as well as various districts in Lancashire.

In addition to presenting the cheques RW Bro Mclaren also took time to examine some of the Team’s vehicles and equipment. When the size of the donation to each team was announced there was a stunned silence which was quickly replaced by expressions of thanks for the generous amounts that East Lancashire Mark Masons had provided.

Reg Foster

Provincial Grand Almoner

Donations to MR Teams
The PGM presents cheques to the members of two of the teams

PGM with Mountain Rescue Teams

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