New Commander for 1014 RAM

Gawthorpe Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 1014 held its Installation Meeting on the Monday, December 2nd. Gawthorpes RAM meetings take place at Colne Masonic Hall at the same time as a Craft meeting. This enables the Lodge to use the smaller practice room downstairs whilst the main lodge room is occupied by the larger Craft meeting. The positive side of this is we get to use the same caterer and as such the meals are always well prepared and priced accordingly. 

Bro. Martin Blades was installed into the Commander Chair by W.Bro Bob Summers the outgoing Commander. The Representative in attendance was V.W.Bro John Hartley Smith PGJO, who was wholeheartedly welcomed to the meeting by the W.M. and the members of Gawthorpe. The full installation ceremony took place and a full complement of officers where appointed.

The social board takes place upstairs in one of the committee rooms which is just large enough for tables and chairs to be set up for dining. A pleasant festive board ensued comprising of a full Christmas dinner followed by the relevant toasts and responses. It was a very enjoyable meeting for the 16 or so Royal Ark Mariners in attendance. 

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