New faces at the Fellowship Dinner

Holiday Inn BoltonWord must be getting out that the Mark Degree Fellowship Dinner is a must-attend event. I saw many new faces there and by all accounts, they were having a good time. Its the third year at the Cloisters in the Holiday Inn at Bolton, and if you have never been its hosted in an old church which is now part of the Hotel. Great for weddings and social events alike. We get a good room rate to stay over so we further enjoy the spa facilities and the shopping centre in Bolton.  Those staying the night tended to arrive early to have lunch and a quick drink, whilst organisers rush around adding the final touches to the entertainment and the magnificent room. 

PGM receives £500 cheque from Malcolm McCarthy

The main event started around 6:30 pm at the main bar with everyone reacquainting themselves with friends and meeting the new faces amongst them. The seating plan was sufficient to get everyone at the right table and in their respective seats ready for the dining event of the Fellowship Calendar. 

Malcolm McCarthy welcomed everyone to the Fellowship Dinner and went on to present the Provincial Grand Master with a cheque from the Fellowship for £500.00 to the East Lancashire 2021 Festival, making the total a grand £5500.00. Alex added he wouldn’t respond formally seeing as we all looked ready for something to eat and a bit of fun. Great start to the evening. 

CAM_6532The food was good and the service kept everything flowing with a smile from the many waiters. The wine bottles emptied a bit too quickly. Mat Andrews entertained us with songs from Frankie Valli and the Jersey Boys. His rendition of Frankie Valli was superb and got most of the audience singing along to all-time great hits. The music increased in volume as the evening wore on and Classic turned into Disco. A Cadre of lovely ladies rallied round and sold hundreds of raffle tickets for a massive hoard of raffle prizes ranging from a huge hamper or two through dozens of bottles of spirits and wine down to a lovely teddy bear. Our table picked up a couple of prizes so Everyones a winner.

Dancing started in earnest after the raffle draw and there was no stopping most of the ladies from getting on the dance floor and really having a proper boogie. The dance floor was in use all evening. It was just like Strictly.  Things started to slow down around 1:00 am when the DJ played Frank Sinatra’s event ending classic New York New York.

The evening’s stalwarts, of which there were many, ended the night in the bar for a final few drinks and last goodbyes. A fabulous evenings entertainment amongst friends old and new. Get 2018 in your diary now.


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