New members from PGM Kinship meeting

CAM_1910Wycoller Mark Lodge had a recent visit by the PGM and a star-studded team of acting officers of the year to promote Mark Master Masonry in the Colne area. 

The WM James McNally had suggested we hold a Kinship meeting earlier in 2016 and that we could probably raise a few members from such an event. The date was set for Wednesday 15th February. Our Secretary played his part and encouraged all the members of Wycoller to think long and hard about who we could invite and who would more than likely express an interest in joining the Degree. It wasn’t easy,  but 9 visitors expressed their interest in attending the event.

CAM_1902WBro David Rainford gave an interesting presentation on the origins of the degree, its recent history and the structure of the order before going on to introduce the RAM degree and other masonic opportunities that awaited anyone who joined us. Several questions came from the floor which was very encouraging and which sparked off a chain of questions and answers from the PGM and members of the Lodge.

Our visitors and potential new members then went on to enjoy a very pleasant social board with us and experienced the similarities between the Craft and Mark during the giving and receiving of toasts. A

A healthy sum of £168 was raised for the Mark 2021 Festival for which every brother was thanked for their support and generosity. Also, our thanks go to the brethren of several Craft lodges who attended the kinship meeting and hopefully enjoyed what they had seen.

It was a very pleasant evening, and I have a sneaky suspicion more than one of the visitors may be joining the Mark Degree from it.

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