Fixture at Rochdale Masonic Hall

On Thursday 30th March, Rugby Mark Lodge No 1965 held its regular fixture meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. Kick-off was on time as the Worshipful Master blew the whistle to start the procedure off in good order.

The Worshipful Master, VWBro J Edmund Barton PGJO welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith along with a strong attendance of the Deputation team into the Lodge and thanked them all for taking time out to attend the meeting.… Read more “Fixture at Rochdale Masonic Hall”

First visit to Darwen Masonic Hall

This was my first visit to Darwen Masonic Hall, Hawkshaw Avenue, and I was very impressed with the building with its high arched ceiling constructed of large timber beams as it was an original church building back in the day.

The meeting of Darwen Mark Lodge No 1327 was held on Monday 20th March and was indeed very well attended by 27 brethren.… Read more “First visit to Darwen Masonic Hall”

Long awaited weekend away

Friendship Mark Lodge held their long-awaited weekend away at the Nailcote Hall Hotel, Golf and Country Club, Berkswell, Warwickshire from Friday 17th till Sunday 19th March. This event was booked over two years ago and as we all knew, the event could not go ahead due to difficult circumstances until now.… Read more “Long awaited weekend away”

Master’s and Commander’s Dinner

On 10th March at Bury Masonic Hall, the East Lancashire Mark held their Master’s and Commander’s 2023 dinner.

In attendance on this special occasion were the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith and his good lady Jane, with additional support from the DepPGM, WBro David Rainford, along with the two APGMs, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney with their wives and partners.… Read more “Master’s and Commander’s Dinner”

Busy Night for Union Mark

On Wednesday 8th March at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, Union Mark Lodge No 32 held their meeting with 21 brethren in attendance including WBro David Coombs, PGJD, who was the representative in attendance on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.… Read more “Busy Night for Union Mark”

Snow at Padiham Masonic Hall

Pendle Mark Lodge No 695 held its meeting on Wednesday 8th March on a cold and snowy evening at Padiham Masonic Hall. On this special occasion the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith and WBro David G Rainford, DepPGM, were in attendance along with 16 of the Deputation team.… Read more “Snow at Padiham Masonic Hall”