Northumberland Provincial Meeting

Those of Picture2you who remember the ITV series Byker Grove will recall that Byker was a poorer part of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Northumberland Provincial Meeting was held at the Newcastle East Masonic Centre, Byker, on Saturday 27 September, in sadly, what is still a pretty run down area of the city.

I mention the above to emphasise the fact that the Provincial Meeting was far from run down.  The attendance included the Assistant Grand Master, 8 Provincial Grand Masters and from East Lancashire, the Deputy, the Provincial Secretary and myself.  The Assistant Grand Master spoke about the Masonic Benevolent Fund (he was until recently its Chairman) and the Hope for Tomorrow Scheme.  The PGM for Northumberland (R.W. Bro Gordon Craigs) spoke about amongst other things, recruiting craft masons and a scheme they have for Mark Lodges called “The Travelling Gavel”.  He is clearly very respected by the brethren of his Province.  The Lodge meeting was followed by a very pleasant lunch with the opportunity to meet fellow executive members in the Mark Degree from other Provinces, to chat about current issues and to compare notes.

There are ten Provinces in the Northern Area of the Country and members of the executive team from East Lancs attend every one of the Provincial Meetings,  in our own time and at our own expense,  to promote the interests of East Lancashire Mark Masons.  Our next trip is to Cheshire Province on 11 October for the Installation of the new PGM, V W Bro David Sellers, by the past Pro Grand Master R W Bro Ben Addy.  Our own PGM,  RW Bro Keith Schofield,  will be the acting Junior Warden during the Installation Ceremony.   At the end of October the executive team will be visiting the Province of Staffordshire and Shropshire for their Provincial Meeting.  So watch this space for further reports.

Jeffrey Huddart


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