Not all Superheroes wear capes

Brother Craig Pattison is a Freemason and a member of Semper Paratus Lodge of Mark Master Masons that meets at Audenshaw, and he owns a Butchers Shop in Mossley. The work he has done to serve his community since the start of the Pandemic is commendable.

Not all Superheroes wear capes – some actually wear aprons

Craig and his staff regularly worked long hours sometimes until 11.30 pm. delivering meat to the elderly and vulnerable in Mossley and the surrounding districts. Sometimes he has ended his long day with a sleepover at the shop – due to his early start the next morning. He not only delivers his own goods, but he also collects essentials – milk, newspapers and groceries from other local retailers and delivers these at no extra cost to his customer. Sadly, sometimes he is the only person that his customer has seen all day and Craig and his staff are always happy to spend time chatting to them and ensuring everything is ok.
In June, Craig and his staff received a Special Recognition Award for outstanding contribution to the community from the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester Dr Eamonn O’Neal (DL).
Craig has received numerous thank you letters and cards from the public, local schools, the Emmaus Charity along with a Certificate of Appreciation from The Mossley Town Team and a Local Community Hero Award from the Rotary Club.
In these trying times, Craig and his staff have endeavoured to keep things as normal as possible. Sometimes his customers have had to queue to be served but he and his staff have always had a smile on their face and taken the time to chat and make sure that the customer is ok and not in need of anything.
It goes without saying that the members of Semper Paratus Lodge are very proud of Craig and he is a credit to Freemasonry in general, but the Mark Degree in particular.
WBro Peter Lambert
Secretary Semper Paratus Mark Lodge

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