P.G.M. enjoys Wycoller Installation

Mark InstallationEvery installation is a joyous occasion, especially when the incoming master is attaining the chair of Adoniram for the first time, but when this occurs in the Provincial Grand Masters own Mark Lodge wondrous things are assured.

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Newly Installed W.M. Bob Summers with the P.G.M. and the A.P.G.M.

Wycoller Lodge installed their newest Worshipful Master Bro Robert Summers into the Chair of Adoniram on Wednesday 21st August with much ceremony and aplomb. The installation was very ably delivered by the Installing Master W.Bro John Hudson, who is well know among Freemasons in the Province and beyond. The several practice meetings paying dividends on the night.

W.Bro Bob Summers appointed his officers for the ensuing year and it was pleasing to see new blood coming through the ranks. He offered his thanks to all the individual lodge officers and promised them an enjoyable year ahead.

The Provincial Grand Master W.Bro Keith Schofield, accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro Jeffrey Huddart gave greetings from Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge respectively.

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The Officers and Brethren of Wycollar Lodge 2013-14

Brethren then retired to their social board to meet and enjoy the company of each other and visiting brethren, which included Mark Masons from North Wales, and just across the border in the opposite direction, West Yorkshire.

Wycoller Lodge is very fortunate to have a unique membership who work hard and play hard at their Mark Masonry. Visitors are always welcome and we guarantee an interesting and friendly meeting on every occasion.


3 thoughts on “P.G.M. enjoys Wycoller Installation

  1. Dave Rainford Reply

    Congratulations Bob, I would have liked to be there to see you go into the chair but was unable to make it.
    Enjoy your year it will be over all to soon.

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Thanks Dave
      It was a great evening. Now got to start thinking about ceremonies and learning ritual again. Looking forward to my year to be honest.

  2. Bob Summers Reply

    I must admit it was a real joy to be installed as Worshipful Master last night. We have a good bunch of officers and members in the Lodge and I’m looking forward to having a great year in office with all of you.

    Thanks to all who put in the work to make the ceremony one to remember.

    Bob Summers
    W.M. Wycoller Mark Lodge

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