Pendle Mark Lodge was consecrated on Monday the 13th October 1919. The consecration was held at the British School Burnley Rd Padiham and lasted for an hour and a half, with 56 Brethren present.
They celebrated their Centenary on the 13th November 2019 at the Masonic hall Moor Lane Padiham with the Deputy Grand Master RWBro John Prizeman, the Provincial Grand Master RWBro Alex McLaren and 60 other brethren present, as the Deputy Grand Master observed that it is pleasing to see the attendance is going in the right direction.

The Lodge was opened at 6pm and the PGM entered with a Provincial Delegation, the Deputy Grand Master then entered the Lodge accompanied by the Deputy Grand DC Mathew Hampson, Assistant Grand Secretary Paul Merryfellow and the two East Lancashire Grand Stewards of the year. the Deputy Grand Master took the chair and addressed the meeting.
He congratulated the members of the Lodge on this significant milestone and observed that the world had changed much during the past hundred years and would be unrecognisable to the brethren gathered for the consecration of the lodge with our technological advances and the way we can carry our lives around in a small electronic device. he said the one thing those brethren would still recognise was the fellowship and enjoyment the present members got from their Mark Masonry.
He called upon the Lodge Secretary WBro Ian Allison to read a precis of the Lodge history, follow this link for the full version. PENDLE HISTORY
The Deputy Grand DC called the Brethren of Pendle Lodge to stand and they were conducted to the Masters pedestal to receive a personal congratulation from the the Deputy Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Master.

The WM WBro Ken Hirst then presented the Deputy Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Master with a commemorative token, informing the other Brethren that they would also receive a token with their place setting at the meal.
The Deputy Grand Master then asked the Deputy Grand DC to conduct WBro Ian Allison to him, he informed WBro Allison that he had been given a letter in London which was addressed to WBro Allison which he then read out. The letter was from the Grand Secretary and it was informing WBro Allison that he had been promoted to the Grand Rank of Past Grand Junior Deacon with immediate effect, the meeting responded with loud applause and WBro Allison was very surprised!
The Social Board was held in a warm friendly atmosphere, the toast to the Deputy Grand Master was proposed by the Provincial Grand Master.

The Deputy Grand Master replied to that toast and then proposed a toast to the Pendle Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

The Evening came to a close at 10 pm and it was agreed that a good time had been had by all.
A further report from WBro. Martin Blades
The Centennial meeting of Pendle Mark Lodge 695 was held on the 13th November 2019.
The PGM Alex McLaren and a Provincial delegation was admitted and he took the chair, another report was received and Matthew Hampson, the Grand Deputy Director of ceremonies was admitted. He announced that RW Bro John Herbert Prizeman the Deputy Grand Master was without and demanded admission, he was received along with WBRO Paul Merryfellow, Assistant Grand Secretary.
The Deputy Grand Master then took the chair and addressed the brethren. The Assistant Grand Secretary then read the warrant of Pendle Lodge and also the Centenary warrant, which was presented to the WM Ken Hurst by RWBRO Prizeman.
WBRO Allison PAGSTB then gave a precis history of the lodge.
WBRO Prizeman then asked the PGDC to escort WBRO Ian Allison to be escorted to the pedestal and he proceeded to promote WBRO Allison to PJGD in recognition for his service to our order for almost 40 years.
The WM then presented Centenary tokens to the Deputy Grand Master and the PGM. The brethren of Pendle Mark Lodge were lined up and presented to the Deputy Grand Master and the PGM.
At the festive board 61 Mark Master Masons dined on a sumptuous 4 course meal and each received a Centenary Token.
Cheques were then presented to the PGM £1000 to the Mark 2021 Festival and £500 to ELMBF and were gratefully accepted.