PGM Christmas message 2020

As 2020 draws to a close we will all be reflecting upon the difficulties occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Freemasonry has effectively been on hold since March and many of our usual happy Mark events have been missed. I feel particularly sorry for all those who have received appointments or promotions in Grand Mark Lodge or in Grand Royal Ark Mariner. Unfortunately, they have not had the special pleasure of being invested in their new ranks by one of our High Rulers. To those Lodges and brethren who would have celebrated significant milestones this year, we will do our very best to ensure that those special events take place in 2021.

Looking forwards, we believe we can see a brighter future and the news this week of an effective vaccine has given us hope that Freemasonry will return to normal in the relatively near future. Certainly, we now have some confidence that our Festival Banquet will take place as scheduled, on 3rd July next year. My grateful thanks to all of you for your support of the Festival financially and special thanks to all those who have given so much time and energy to making things happen.

In closing, Leslie and I wish each and every one of you and your families and friends a very happy, healthy and peaceful Festive Season.



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