Pleasant Surprise at Wike 142

On arrival at Radcliffe Masonic Hall on Wednesday, 13th of April, I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by 21 Mark Masons who were in attendance at the same meeting. A Wike member who was also in attendance, was the DepPGM, David G Rainford.

Sadly, the Worshipful Master, Garry Jones was unable to attend due to having surgery on his shoulder. WBro Paul Easterbrook took the chair and conducted the Lodge in a worthy manner. A talk was given by WBro Andrew Greenhalgh, PAGDC about the fascinating history of this Lodge going back to 1800 when many Mark Lodges were being formed, especially with the separation from the Scottish constitution over to Lancashire. WBro Greenhalgh has spent many hours compiling this paper about the Lodge’s history.

An important note to all Mark Master Masons is that, at their October meeting, they will be celebrating 150 years since the Consecration of this lodge. Please keep an eye out for the date and the place of this event in your diaries.

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