The WM of Wycoller Mark Lodge W.Bro Jim McNally now lives down South, far enough away so as to make journeys to a practice impossible. However, he put in the time whilst at home and picked up the Installation ceremony from afar. The preparation certainly put him in good stead for the ritual he had to deliver installing his successor W.Bro David Biggs at Wycoller Installation recently. The officers of the lodge had to share practice timings with other Lodges in the building and even as late as the night before they were in the Lodge room putting the final preparations together. A good sign of a happy lodge of Mark master masons working well together.
Colne Masonic Hall was packed to the gunnels with Wycolller members, visitors and a Provincial Deputation accompanying W.Bro Gerry Young our Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of East Lancashire. Additional chairs had to be placed in the lodge room and an innovative method of parading in was quickly devised by Wesley Marchant the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and practised to perfection by the Provincial Deputation. There was little room for manoeuvre but it all went well and the many Grand Officers, Provincial Officers and brethren were eventually all seated and welcomed to Colne Masonic Hall.

The preparation paid off handsomely, and the installation ceremony was delivered extremely well. Not just by the Installing Master but by every officer in the ceremony. It was a delight to witness. The Lodge balloted for Mr Kevin Pickering as a rejoining member to the Mark Degree and The Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro Gerry Young presented the WM with a Vice Patron Collarette for achieving the status with the Mark Benevolent Fund. It was a nice surprise for the Master and brethren and is something we intend to improve on during the festival term. Not a bad nights work all told. W.Bro David Biggs then installed his officers and concluded the ceremony in his inimitable relaxed style.
By the time we had all visited the bar the 51 or so brethren filling the Lodge room were quite ready for dinner and quickly found their places in the dining room. There was plenty of time to get through the toast list and enjoy our dinner of Roast Beef, Manchester Tart and Cheese and Biscuits. The Wycoller Super raffle was abandoned for the evening and a standard numbers raffle with three prizes took its place raising £175.000. of which £100.00 went to Pendleside Hospice and £75.00 to the 2021 festival.
It was a great evening of Mark Masonry organised and delivered by a small bunch of dedicated Wycoller members, to which a big vote of thanks is due.