Priory Mark 693 Celebrate Centenary

The Petition to Grand Lodge was presented in June 1919 and was assented to. It was signed by 14 Brethren, including W.Bro F.W. Broadbent (later to become the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Lancashire and 7 brethren advanced into Scarlett Mark Lodge. The Consecration Meeting was held on Monday 15th September 1919 in the Assembly Rooms Whalley. There was a total of 73 Brethren present, including 28 from Scarlett Mark Lodge.


Priory Mark Lodge No 693 celebrated its centenary on Wednesday 2nd October with slightly more Brethren than was present at its consecration. The above passage, taken from a 100 years history of the Lodge, and which was presented and read to every brethren at the meeting was meticulously compiled by W.Bro John Whitney PGJD and W.Bro John M Rimmer PAGDC

The Clitheroe meeting was very well supported, as can be expected on such a momentous occasion with 36 guests, 25 Acting Provincial Officers, 17 members and two Grand Officers officiating. The Lodge opened at 6:30 pm and even before the Provincial delegation had been admitted the Lodge was again Balloting for a new member. The Provincial Grand Master was admitted accompanied by a long list of Provincial Officers of the year. So many in fact that introductions were dispensed with so as to assist with the proceedings. The Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren accepted the gavel from the Worshipful Master W.Bro Robert Jopson. The presiding Grand Officer on this occasion was the Assistant Grand Master R.W.Bro. Stephen Davison, recognised by many Mark Masons from the Goulborn 680 centenary in January this year. The Assistant Grand Master accepted the gavel from the Provincial Grand Master and conducted the proceedings thereafter. 

A brief History of Priory Mark Lodge was recited by Bro. John Rimmer PAGDC with details of the major events and happenings over the past 100 years. It all sounded familiar and very comforting, with several names still being remembered and still raising smiles to this day. The main work of the meeting was the presentation of the Centenary Warrant which was read by V.W.Bro. The Rev. Paul Paterson Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies for the attention of the brethren attending, and then presented to the Worshipful Master for his keeping and delivery to future worthy Masters of Priory Mark Lodge.  The Brethren then proceeded to receive their wages for the evening in the form of a Centenary Mark Penny, which was presented to each and all by the Assistant Grand Master.

The Worshipful Master resumed his seat and proceeded to complete the work on the summons.


The Social Board at Clitheroe is held across the road at the Swan & Royal Hotel directly opposite. The Hotel has a large dining room and bars to handle the numbers of Mark Masons attending the event. The celebratory meal was in keeping with the centenary occasion and was well received by the brethren. The order of toasts was a long one for the event and did extend well beyond the usual Tyler’s time, but things needed to be said and responses accorded their attention, and as expected they became shorter as the evening progressed. The Brethren had a wonderful evening reminiscing about past meetings and remembering long-lost brethren, and as expected plenty of wine and beer was procured from the adjacent bar.

It seemed suddenly that the business was all concluded and the Tyler was upstanding proposing his toast to all Mark Master Masons.

A truly memorable evening was enjoyed by all. 

Special thanks to Stewart Mills and Jack Aston for additional images

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