Priory Mark 693 – Whalley

This was my first visit to Whalley Masonic Rooms which is indeed a very interesting building dating back in time where many distinguished brethren have been members in various Lodges.

This meeting was the last one for Priory Lodge No 693 before the Installation in February 2023. In attendance was WBro Kevin M Reaney, APGM, PGJD along with a strong contingency of the Provincial Delegation. The Worshipful Master, WBro Stephen Croasdale, welcomed the APGM and his delegation team and offered him the gavel, however on this occasion he returned it.

The proceedings of the summons got underway in a fitting manner. The Worshipful Master gave a very interesting and detailed talk called, The Mark Degree In Scotland in which the brethren were amazed at how Freemasonry was worked in Scotland. At its conclusion, a round of applause was given to the Worshipful Master on this occasion. As there was no other Masonic business the Lodge was closed.

Moving up to the next floor where the bar and dining room are situated we were served by the members to a fine 3 course meal. This was followed by the usual raffle and once again it raised a substantial amount for good causes.

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