Pro Grand Master Announces Changes

Mark Grand Lodge LogoAt the Quarterly  Communication of Grand Mark Lodge on the 8th March, the Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master, Richard Victor Wallis, JP, announced the retirement of R.W.Bro. Keith Emmerson as Deputy Grand Master after serving two years in that post.

The Pro Grand Master thanked R.W.Bro. Emmerson for his enthusiasm and commitment to the Order during his time as Deputy Grand Master and wished him well in his retirement from active office.

As a consequence of R.W.Bro. Emmerson’s forthcoming retirement, the M.W.Pro Grand Master announced the following appointments:

R.W.Bro. Raymond John Smith, Assistant Grand Master as Deputy Grand Master

R.W.Bro. John Herbert Prizeman, President M.B.F. as Assistant Grand Master

R.W.Bro. Dr John Lawson William Wright, RD, FRCS will succeed R.W.Bro. Prizeman as President of the Mark Benevolent Fund.

All three Brethren will be invested by the Most Worshipful Grand Master at the June Investiture meeting.



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