Provincial Grand Master’s Christmas Message

As we approach the end of 2022 it is time for a moment of reflection.

Whilst the year has seen a return to Freemasonry as we know it, it is fair to say that a good number of Brethren are still apprehensive about returning to their Lodges with Covid ever at the back of their minds. Unfortunately, Covid is something which we will just have to live with and certainly, it is not the threat that it was originally, as most of us have now had at least four vaccines which offer considerable assistance in alleviating the worst symptoms. It is my sincere wish that Brethren will feel sufficiently confident to return to their Lodges in 2023.

2022 has been a busy year particularly since the start of the new season. We now have new High Rulers with MWBro John Prizeman as the Pro Grand Master, RWBro Frank Spencer as Deputy Grand Master and RWBro Denny Wilson as Assistant Grand Master. These brethren put enormous effort into our Order and are frequently seen around the Provinces. They are all extremely approachable and make the effort to engage with Brethren whenever possible.

We have celebrated the centenaries of Lancastrians Mark Lodge and Perseverance RAM Lodge and the sesquicentenaries of Skelmersdale and Wike Mark Lodges. We welcomed RWBro Denny Wilson at Skelmersdale and everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening of celebration and Mark fellowship. The Past Deputy Grand Master, RWBro Keith Emmerson presided at Wike and the Brethren attending were delighted by his easy and friendly manner. Another splendid evening enjoyed by all who were privileged to be there. In September, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of RWBro Keith Clayton’s advancement into Mark Masonry with VWBro Brian Sigsworth’s 50th in October and WBro Keith Wareing’s in November. All these brethren have given devoted service to Mark Masonry and it was very pleasing to have the opportunity to honour their commitment and dedication.

Unfortunately, 2022 has seen the loss of a number of good friends who will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by all who knew them. I particularly refer to the loss of RWBro Stephen Davison, Assistant Grand Master, whose untimely death was a shock to us all. It was also with great sadness that we mourned the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II whose life of service and dedication to her country was an example to us all.

As we look forward to 2023, I hope that you will continue to enjoy your Mark Masonry. Please keep in touch with your Brethren, particularly those who have not yet felt sufficiently comfortable to return to their Lodges. Encourage them to return and once again enjoy the special friendship of our wonderful Order.

At this Festive time, Jane and I wish each of you and your families and friends a very peaceful and enjoyable Christmas and express our hopes that you have a healthy, happy and successful 2023.

May the Great Overseer of the Universe bless you and keep you safe.

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