Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 990

Monday the 29th November, The East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 990 meeting took place at Rochdale Masonic Hall and what a great turn out it was.

The new Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John H Smith, accompanied by the other members of the executive, along with a fine body of men of the officers of the year were also in attendance. It was indeed a heart-warming sight to see so many brethren in one place during these very difficult times once again.

On his arrival into the Lodge, the PGM took the chair and after he had introduced the team and highlighted the purpose of the meeting, he appointed and invested 6 brethren to the rank of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank.

The social board was a lively affair and the PGM made an impassioned speech thanking the brethren for their efforts during the recent festival but asking everyone to now turn their attention to recruitment and retention in an attempt to try and build up the membership of the RAM degree.

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