Provincial Grand RAM Investees 2015

The Provincial Grand Master was in attendance at the Meeting of 990 Prov Officers RAM Lodge at Rochdale on the 30th November.

He was accompanied by a Provincial Deputation and took the chair of the Lodge to invest the 16  recipients of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank for 2015.

The Investees are pictured here with the Provincial  Grand Master, Deputy and Assistants

Prov RAM 2015

The PGM led the congratulations of those present and PC John Rimmer ProvGJW replied on behalf of the Investees listed below.

Provincial Grand RAM Investees 2015                                                   

Name                     Lodge                        Number

Past Commander             Alan J P Archer                 Salford  994

Past Commander             Jack Aston                           Starkie  159

Past Commander             Steven  Boyle                     Stanley 1454

Past Commander             Anthony J Davies             Progress  1577

Past Commander             Garry J  Errock                 Mossley 1381

Past Commander             Brendan Harte                  County Palatine 156

Past Commander             Shaun   Higson                  Mount Horeb    TI

Past Commander             Ronald  Howell                 Temperance 56

Past Commander             David J  Hoyle                   Union    171

Past Commander             David R Ireson                  Prince   24

Past Commander             Alan S    Jones                    Skelmersdale 141

Past Commander             Raymond Lancashire      Prince   24

Past Commander             Neville  Marsden               Perseverance 403

Past Commander             Robert  Norris                   United M/c 34

Past Commander             David G  Rainford             F W Broadbent  1132

Past Commander             John M Rimmer                Billinge  1327



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