The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro.Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, V.W.Bro.Jeff Huddart and W.Bro.John Smith and 63 Brethren were present to witness the Installation of W.Bro.Michael Green, P.A.G.D.C. into the chair of 1272. The Ceremony was conducted by V.W.Bro. Huddart in his usual excellent manner.
Prior to the Installation Ceremony, five of the acting Provincial Stewards of the year, WBros Steven Boyle, David Key, Graham Jones, Mark Rowe and Terence Smith together with W.Bros. Gerry Young and David Biggs, Grand Stewards, were received as joining members.
After being installed, the new W.M. was pleased to present the P.G.M. with three cheques: £100 to the East Lancs Mark 2021 Festival, £100 to ELMBF and £100 to the Province to help defray the cost of the Provincial Meeting.
Congratulations to the new WM and his Officers with very best wishes for a rewarding and happy year.
Following the meeting, the Brethren enjoyed a very convivial dinner which culminated in the presentation of a gift from the Lodge to the P.G.M in recognition of his 12 years in Office.

Now I can’t say what the gift was, but we Brethren of 1272 would like to wish our P.G.M. and his partner Debra un sejour tres agreable a Paris !