Provincial Meeting – Blackburn – 24th May 2017

The Provincial Meeting was held at Blackburn on Wednesday the 24th May. The Provincial Grand Master RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren welcomed over 380 brethren to the meeting including Representatives from the Provinces of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire, Lincolnshire, Bristol, Northumberland, Nottinghamshire, Cumberland and Westmorland, West Yorkshire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Durham, Cheshire, North and East Yorkshire, WEst Lancashire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, Dorset, Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Kent, North Wales, Staffordshire and Shropshire and Leicestershire. Heads of other orders in Freemasonry were also in attendance together with Representatives from East Lancashire Craft and Royal Arch.

The Royal Ark Mariner Commanders then paraded in and lined up in the customary triangle formation and it was announced that all RAM Lodges were represented at the meeting.

The meeting had been somewhat overshadowed by events in Manchester on Monday when 22 people were killed and 59 injured in the Suicide Bomb Attack at the Manchester Arena. The PGM alluded to this in his opening comments expressing his incomprehension at how anyone could deliberately target the (mainly) youngsters who were in attendance. There followed a minutes silence as a mark of respect.

After introducing and greeting our Distinguished Visitors, The Provincial Grand Master proceeded with the items on the agenda and presented the Leslie F. Hiles Memorial Golf Trophy to the 2016 winner WBro Mark Davies a member of Manchester Keystone Lodge No.745; the PGM was then presented with a cheque for the proceeds of the event.

The Provincial Grand Charity Steward WBro Jamie Beninson was next up to present a cheque – over £10400 raised during his year of Office by way of various events held including a Race Night, Sportsmans Evening and Comedy Night. The PGM thanked WBro Beninson for his tremendous achievement.

Following his speech, a copy of which will shortly be posted on the website, the PGM then proceeded to Invest the Officers of the Year – (full details can be viewed via this link –

Mark Provincial Appointments 24th May 2017

The meeting soon concluded with the Officers of the Year being led out by the DC Team who conducted all the afternoons proceedings in their exemplary manner.

Pre-dinner drinks were then the order of the day before 240 Brethren took their seats in the Windsor Suite for an excellent meal . If the chatter was anything to go by, it seems all enjoyed a convivial evening in good company !
– see the Gallery below for pictures:

One thought on “Provincial Meeting – Blackburn – 24th May 2017

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    An absolutely great afternoon of Mark Masonry. Made even more special by my appointment. Looking forward to my year in office and seeing more of this wonderful degree.

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