Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Investiture

RAM4The annual Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Investiture was held under the banner of East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge No. 990 on Monday 29th September 2014.

After the Lodge was opened, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Keith Schofield, G.M.R.A.C. and the Provincial Team were admitted and the Provincial Grand Master took the chair. After introducing the acting Provincial Officers present, he proceeded to invest the 14 appointees who were present. Due to unavoidable absence, the three further appointees will be invested at the next meeting of the Lodge. Following the alms collection, the Provincial Team retired in due form.

Over 100 brethren were present to witness the proceedings and a very cordial evening was enjoyed by all. The Social Board was of a pleasing standard and proceedings concluded by 9.40pm.

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