On Tuesday, 9th February, W.Bro. John Smith, P.G.J.D., D.Prov.G.M. accompanied by a Provincial deputation, attended the Installation Meeting of Q.L.
Before W.Bro. Smith entered the Lodge, a ballot was taken for the him to become an honorary member of the Lodge.
Under the direction of the Prov.A.G.D.C., W.Bro. Michael Porter, the Deputy entered the Lodge accompanied by W.Bro. Sushil Rawal, Prov.G.M.O., W.Bro. Jack Best, Prov.G.J.O. and W.Bro. Peter Hosker, Prov.G.Reg.
On offering the gavel, the WM, W.Bro. George Turner informed W.Bro. Smith that the ballot had proved successful and welcomed him as a joining member. W.Bro. Smith thanked the WM and Brethren for their kindness, explaining that it was particularly poignant to be honored in this manner since Q.L. was the very first Lodge where he had represented the R.W.Provincial Grand Master when he was Senior Warden of the Province.
Following a proposition, the following donations were made:- 2021 Festival £200, ELMBF £100, Provincial Meeting £50 and Parkinsons UK £100.
The Installation of Bro. Geoffrey Whalley was then conducted in a very admirable manner by the WM, W.Bro. Turner following which the usual addresses were delivered impeccably.
At the second rising W.Bro. Smith brought greetings from Provincial Grand Lodge and took the opportunity of presenting the Lodge with a Grand Patrons Jewel from the Mark Benevolent Fund. A truly remarkable achievement by a small Lodge.
Following the meeting, the Brethren repaired to the Social Board for a very good five course dinner in a very happy atmosphere, thoroughly enjoyed by all present.