Quatuor Legati 1165 Installation

On Tuesday, 8th February at Bolton Masonic Hall Quatuor Legati Lodge of Mark Masons No 1165 held their installation meeting. In attendance was VWBro David H Thompson, APGM along with the Deputation of 7 acting officers from the Province.

The Worshipful Master, Bro Stewart Poulsom welcomed all the brethren in attendance a total of 26, including a visitor from the Isle Of Man, WBro Colin Thompson. The Worshipful Master, Bro Poulsom was once again proclaimed the Master for the ensuing year.

On this occasion, we were all looking forward to the explanation of the mark tracing board which was given by WBro David Entwisle, PGStB, who took centre stage and presented a most informative and faultless lecture on the mark tracing board without a hitch. A worthy round of approval and the APGM congratulated WBro Entwisle on such a splendid effort.

The Charity Steward presented 5 cheques for non-masonic charities to VWBro David Thompson which were received with grateful thanks. Onto the social board where we had a most enjoyable meal indeed along with the raffle which raised £125 towards good causes. Bolton Masonic Hall has been given a superb facelift in the bar area which has made a big improvement all round. An excellent evening enjoyed by all.

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