Quatuor Legati Installation at Bolton

Tuesday the 11 February Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge 1265 held their Installation meeting at Bolton Masonic Hall
In attendance was W.Bro Gerald Noel Howard Young the Assistant Provincial Grand Master accompanied by the Assistant Provincial DC Steven Boyle PGSB and 6 acting officers of the year. The lodge was opened at 6-50 pm by the WM W.Bro Derick Bennett. The full team of officers was in attendance who proceed with an excellent installation ceremony of W.Bro Kenneth M Denton, the Master elect for the ensuing year.

W.Bro Gerald N H Young APGM then explained Grand Lodge certificates to Bros Hartley & Dover which were then presented by the Worshipful Master to the two recipients.  The lodge was closed at 8-05 pm

28 brethren then proceeded to the dining room to partake in a most enjoyable meal by the new catering staff at Bolton Masonic Hall. The raffle raised a tidy amount £133 for good causes.

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