Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge

On Tuesday, 11th October at Freemason’s Hall, Bolton, Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge No 1165 held their meeting. The Lodge opened up at 6:36 by the Worshipful Master Bro Stewart Poulsom who welcomed 18 brethren into the Lodge.

The first item on the summons was to ballot for as a joining member Bro Paul Higson and for advancement Bro Mark Terence Redding. The ballot proved in favour of both brethren. The Worshipful Master then thanked Bro Paul Higson for joining the Lodge.

Moving onto the advancement which was carried out by WBro Stewart Poulsom, Master and the members of QL Lodge in a fitting manner. It was indeed a great effort by all the Lodge members who took part in the advancement ceremony. The Worshipful Master then proceeded to conduct the rest of the meeting and the Lodge was closed at 8:14.

Down to the bar for a well-deserved drink and onto the dining room where we were served a pleasant 3 course ( curry ). The raffle took place and raised a substantial amount for good causes. A most enjoyable evening was had by us all.

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