Quatuor Legati Mark Lodge (QL) 1165 – Our Weekend In St Anne’s

Forty six members’ wives and friends spent a wonderful weekend at the Clifton Park Hotel.
Having a lazy lunch on Friday and spending the afternoon chilling out we had dinner at 7pm.
followed by entertainment and dancing.

It was a special occasion for two of our ladies Mrs Audrey Fair who was celebrating her 89th birthday and Mrs Elsie Whiteside (life & soul of the party) celebrating her 96th birthday.

(see pictures)

Elsie was up and dancing at every opportunity.

After a hearty breakfast on Saturday some of the more energetic made use of the indoor heated pool and gym whilst the rest of us dispersed between Blackpool and Lytham arriving back for our usual “Black Tie” evening of dinner and our “WORLD FAMOUS” Tombola. This was followed by entertainment and dancing provided by Liam James. A super evening.

The wine for each table was provided by the Worshipful Master, Derek Bennet and his wife Sheelagh.

Sunday we had a free morning after breakfast. Lunch was at 1pm and afterwards we all reluctantly said goodbye.

Our thanks go to Alan Nelson and his wife Eileen who organised and ran the whole weekend, together with his helpers and as usual we all had an excellent time. Over the last 11 years that Alan has been organizing this event the weather has been dry and sunny. This year we had some rain. I think he forgot to place the order.

Thanks Alan for everything. What a fantastic way to spent a weekend and to raise £400.00 for our Charities.

John Tiler ADC

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