Rectitude TI No 18 – Installation

The Lodge of Rectitude of Mark Master Masons No 18 Ti held their installation meeting at Rossendale Masonic Hall, Rawtenstall on Tuesday 28th February. In attendance at this special meeting was VWBro David H Thompson APGM along with the Grand Steward WBro Martin Caller and 6 other brethren from the deputation team who were in attendance.

The Lodge opened at 6:50 by the Worshipful Master Bro Barry J W Howorth who welcomed the APGM and the deputation team and thanked them for taking time out to attend this meeting. He then offered VWBro David H Thompson the gavel in which on this occasion it was returned back to the Worshipful Master.

The proceedings of the meeting were to install the Senior Warden Bro Andrew Holland Master Elect into the chair of Adoniram. The Worshipful Master Bro Barry Howorth proceeded with the ceremony in a fitting manner to install Bro Holland. The newly installed Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective offices. The address to the newly installed Master was given by WBro Andrew Greenhalgh PAGDC. The address to the two wardens was given by WBro Duncan M Ferguson PAGDC both addresses were given in a sincere manner.

There were 26 brethren in all from many Mark Lodges who came to support the newly installed Worshipful Master. The APGM and the deputation along with the Provincial GDC, WBro Michael Porter departed from the Lodge on this occasion just before the Lodge was closed.

On a positive note, the Lodge had a craft mason who came to the social board and is very interested in joining Rectitude Mark Lodge. Onto the social board where 26 brethren sat down to a lovely 4-course meal served by Tina and the fine dining team. There was much banter and laughter at the social board and it was a pleasure to be in attendance at this old and beautiful Lodge No 18 Ti which goes back to 1865.

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