Rejoined after 31Years.

Tuesday the 4 October at Bury Masonic hall. William Romaine Calendar Mark Lodge No 136 held their regular meeting with 16 brethren in attendance. The Worshipful Master WBro Arthur Woodall PProv GJD opened the lodge at 6-35 pm & welcomed us all, including 2 visitors. This evening was a milestone as we had a rejoining member from the original Callender Mark Lodge
Bro Clifford Lewis Parker was balloted for in a fair manner, & the lodge members welcomed Bro Parker back into the fold after 31 years with a round of applause. William Romaine Calendar Lodge is one of the premium mark lodges in the province of East Lancashire. Onto the social board, we were again served a fabulous 4-course meal from our caterer Tina and her team. A raffle was held & raised a substantial amount for good causes. A most enjoyable evening was had.

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