Robert Rowden 50 Years a Member

The Provincial Grand Master was at Middleton Mark Lodge on the 31st January to join in the celebration of WBro Robert Rowden achieving  50 years as a Mark Mason, all of it as a member of Middleton Mark Lodge,

The Provincial Grand Master presents WBro Rowden with the Grand Lodge 50th Certificate

Robert  was advanced in the lodge on the 7th December 1966  and his Golden Jubilee was marked by a visit from the Provincial Grand Master accompanied by a Deputation of Acting Provincial Officers, visitors from other Mark Lodges and Craft Masons including his son in law  Bro Myles Leadbeater.

W Bro Rowden and his son in law Myles Leadbeater

The Provincial Grand Master took the chair of the Lodge and WBro Rowden was presented to him, he then gave some details of WBro Rowdens Masonic career and then the Lodge was called off to allow the Craft Masons to enter and for Bro Myles Leadbeater to give a brief history of his Father in Law, which included details of his family life and other interests, golf being one of them. The Provincial Secretary read out a Certificate from Grand Mark Lodge to mark WBro Rowdens Golden Jubilee and a letter of congratulation from the Provincial Grand Master and a Provincial 50th Anniversary Certificate.

WBro Rowden was then escorted round the Lodge by the Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies and received the acclaim of all present. The lodge then resumed and   W Bro Rowden accompanied the Provincial Grand Master from the Lodge.

W Bro Robert Rowden

At the Social Board 47 members and guests dined and W Bro Rowden was happy to reply to a toast to his health, he did recall that he had seen all the present members join  Middleton Mark Lodge during his time as a member!

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