Roberts TI – sesquicentennial celebrated in style

The Roberts T.I. Mark Lodge which meets at Rochdale Masonic Hall reached 150 years of continuous lodge meetings on Thursday 12th March and their sesquicentennial was celebrated in fine style.
In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Bro. Alexander Sillars McLaren along with both of the Provinces Assistant Provincial Grand Masters W Bro. Gerald Noel Howard Young and V.W. Bro David Hedley Thompson supported by 14 acting officers of the year.

Visiting the Lodge on this auspicious occasion was the Assistant Grand Master Right Worshipful Bro Stephen Davidson who was accompanied by his Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Grand Secretary. The proceedings started at 6-30 pm with the Provincial Grand Master and the deputation being welcomed into the main lodge room at Rochdale, which is a very impressive sight. The Provincial Grand Master accepted the gavel from the Worshipful Master and went on to explain the reason for the mass visitation and what would be taking place during the meeting. The deputation was thanked and welcomed en mass to save time. The Assistant Grand Director of ceremonies was received and proceeded to welcome the Assistant Grand Master who thanked everyone for their salutations and gracefully received the gavel from the Provincial Grand Master. Now you rarely get to see a Deputy Grand Master at work, so it was a real joy to witness how he conducted the ceremonial aspect of the 150th celebration. A short history of the lodge was presented by VWBro Trevor Jewitt which reflected on a very interesting timeline and history of Roberts TI first 150 years in existence.  Lodge members were then asked to assemble in the North to be presented to the Deputy Grand Master and receive a celebratory token of the event.
A wonderful evening of reflection and memories came to a close as the Deputation and Rulers of the Mark withdrew, and the  Lodge was closed by its members at 8:10 pm.

A total of 62 brethren sat down for the celebration dinner in the main dining room. The meal was conducted in high spirits and everyone responded well to the toasts and responses required by the occasion.  It was a memorable celebration of Roberts TI 150 years and I’m sure one that will be officially recorded in its minutes for future reference.

2 thoughts on “Roberts TI – sesquicentennial celebrated in style

  1. Stephen Lord Reply

    Nice to be there as part of this special Milestone for Robert’s TI.

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Stephen, it was a great night and also a pleasure to be amongst the Provincial Acting Officers of the year.
      Thanks for your comment here.

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