Royal Ark Mariners No 1010 hold Installation meeting at Westholme

Rose of York Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, No 1010 held their Installation meeting at Westholme, Mossley on Friday 13th December. There were 10 brethren present including WBro. Gerry Young, APGM, ProvRAMGR and WBro. Michael Porter, RAMGR, ProvGDC. The Lodge was opened at 6.15 pm by the WC, WBro. Graham Alexander assisted by Officers of the Lodge and a number of visitors who assisted by filling the various chairs. The WC then proceeded to install WBro.

Bryan Bancroft as WC for the ensuing year.

The remaining business of the evening being efficiently dispatched, the Lodge was closed at 7.25 pm.

Drinks and a pleasant three-course dinner followed during which a raffle was held raising £55.00 for good causes, the winner being WBro. Mark Rowe.

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