Rugby Lodge hold Installation

The Rugby Football Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1965 held their installation meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall on Thursday 30 June.
The lodge kicked off at 6-25 with over 40 brethren attending, including RWBro John Hartley Smith PGM. WBro Kevin M Reaney APGM. The newly installed SW & JW of the province & the new 2022/3 deputation team x 8 The WM WBro Peter Brooke’s -Tee P P G M O thanked the PGM for being in attendance. The next item of lodge business was to install. VWBRO J Edmund Barton PGJO into the chair of Adoniram which was conducted in a very fine manner by the Installing WM. WBro P Brookes- tee. The Key Stone jewel was presented to the newly installed WM by WBro Bev Haywood. Peace mark 681 W/Yorkshire. The WM J E Barton then proceeded to install his new team into their respective chairs The business of the lodge being ended we proceed to the dining room where over 40 brethren sat down to a substantial meal. But the DC WBro Steven Spooner G Stwd W/Yorkshire was on the lookout for any misdemeanours & a few of the brethren received yellow cards Then another followed by a red card. It was a happy time at the festive board & the whistle blew & the game was now over.

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