Salford Mark 994 – Installation

Thursday 2nd February at Salford Masonic Hall, Hemsley House, The Crescent, Salford Mark Lodge No 994 held their installation meeting and in attendance was WBro David G Rainford the Deputy Provincial Grand Master accompanied by a small deputation.

The Lodge was opened at 6:05 by the Master WBro Terrace Bailey PProvGSD, who welcomed WBro David G Rainford into the Lodge and thanked him and the deputation for taking time out to attend the installation meeting.

The proceedings of the installation were carried out by WBro Terence Bailey to Bro Jonathan DN Smythe, Senior Warden and Master Elect for the ensuing year in a fitting manner indeed. The address to the Worshipful Master was given by VWBro Jeffery Huddart and the newly installed Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective offices. A donation was given to the ELMBF and to the Provincial Meeting which is now being held on the 24th of May at Bolton Town Hall.

The business of the Lodge being ended the newly installed Worshipful Master closed the Lodge at 7:25. The brethren then headed to the social board where 18 brethren sat down to a lovely 3-course meal. A raffle took place and raised a substantial amount for good causes. A most enjoyable evening was had by all.

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