Salford Mark Lodge 994 – Installation


On the 4th of February 2016 Salford Mark Lodge No 994 held their annual installation meeting. The Lodge which is blessed with both our Asst PGMs saw WBro Tony Davies, our very own Asst PGM go into the chair. WBro Steven Pilling supported by the officers of the Lodge did a fine job in installing Tony.

The Lodge warmly received a deputation from the Province, led by our VWBro Jeff Huddart PGJO, Asst PGM who is also a member of Salford Mark. Jeff was offered the gavel, but on this occasion refused saying he wanted to sit back knowing the lodge was in the capable hands of the Installing Master WBro Pilling.

Cheques were presented for various charities, all were warmly received. The social board saw over 20 Mark Brethren dining in a very convivial and fun atmosphere.

At the social board the new WM thanked the Lodge for the support they have given to the Festival.  Jeff in his reply on behalf of the Province thanked the Lodge for the work they have done, and the generous donatio s made. He communicated the news of his retirement from the Office of Asst PGM and wished his successor Gerry Young well.  Gerry was present at the meeting and made a fine speech thanking all Mark Brethren for the support he had received over the years, and he said he wanted extra thanks to go to Jeff as they had been friends for many years.







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