Scarlett with Gawthorpe Mark 1014 –

The members of Scarlet with Gawthorpe immediately wondered what was happening as soon as the Mark Provincial Deputation turned up at Burnley Masonic Hall. Not to get too carried away with things as there was only 4 in attendance, and that included the Assistant Provincial Grand Master VWBro David Hedley Thompson. The truth be known it was a pastoral visit by the Province in support of the Mark Lodge. The Secretary and WM Bro Gregory Casson were in the know but the rest of the brethren were pleasantly surprised to welcome us to their meeting.

As it happened two of the deputation had the opportunity to fill in for a couple of officers on the night as both Wardens had been unable to attend. The Lodge rooms in Burnley Masonic Hall are quite special so there was no argument from either of them. The proceedings on the summons were quickly conducted with a ballot taken to allow an honorary brother to resume full membership of the lodge. That got a lot of interest as nobody had come across this situation before, however, the brethren were happy to vote on the subject and it was accordingly passed. 

The social board took place in the small dining room with the brethren serving themselves from the kitchen. It worked very well, there was plenty to eat and the food was more than acceptable. They had even ordered two fish courses for the visitation. 

The toasts and responses followed with the Assistant provincial Grand Master responding and reminding us all of the 2021 RMBF festival, which was due to finish in less than 20 months. It was an enjoyable meeting with the brethren of Scarlett with Gawthorpe Mark. They would be more than happy to welcome you to their next meeting on 10th March 2020.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master David Hedley Thompson with WBro Gregory John Casson WM


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