Secretarius Lodge No.1932

PGM5 (1)The 6th meeting of Secretarius Lodge 1932 took place on Friday last, 21st November at Middleton Masonic Hall.

The Brethren of the Lodge and numerous distinguished guests, accompanied by their Ladies, enjoyed a superb evening in the presence of our own Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC together with the Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight,  RWBro John Prizeman GMRAC.

RWBro Prizeman in his capacity as President of the Mark Benevolent Fund, gave an excellent presentation on the “Hope for Tomorrow” Charity, this being the fund-raising focus of our own East Lancashire 2021 Festival. He explained how the Charity had been started initially, what it had achieved so far by providing mobile chemotherapy units throughout the country and what it hoped to achieve in the future. The RWPGM Keith Schofield GMRAC later presented a cheque for £500 on behalf of the Lodge to RWBro Prizeman.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master Jeff Huddart with his wife, Sharon
Assistant Provincial Grand Master John Smith with his wife, Jane
ProvGSec (1)
The Provincial Grand Secretary Trevor Parvin with his wife, Hazel

A total of 90 Brethren and their Ladies then took their places for a sumptious 5 course meal which was enjoyed by all present, in a convivial atmosphere.

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