Semper Paratus 852 – Always ready to advance more candidates

Recently my Mark Lodge Semper Paratus No. 852 (I am Secretary) – Advanced its 4th Candidate in 4 meetings. Craig Pattison a local award-winning Butcher joined us. The ceremony was brilliantly delivered and those who took part and attended had a great night. The usual contingent of visitors from Durham turned up and helped out with the ceremony. Craig thoroughly enjoyed himself and two of our newest members, Bro. Brad Savidge the Senior Deacon and Bro. Andy Morris the Junior Deacon took part in the ceremony and did a great job.

Semper Paratus Mark Lodge No 852 which meets at Audenshaw Masonic Hall has as many lodges struggled with an ageing/declining membership. The tide has now turned and we have had a Candidate at our last 4 regular meetings.

At Septembers meeting last year Terrance Booth joined us, followed by Bradley Savidge in February this year. This Advancement was carried out in the presence of the DPGM VWBro JH Smith and a Provincial Delegation. VWBro Smith commented on just how well the ceremony had been carried out.

May 2019 saw Andrew Morris join the Mark Degree – Andrew was Advanced and then immediately after the ceremony we had our Installation meeting with WBro Norman Clarke PGJD as the representative for the PGM. Andrew was then installed as Junior Deacon some 30 mins after being Advanced. It was a long meeting but well worth it and everyone had a great time.

Finally, we advanced our most recent Candidate Craig Pattison, a Local Butcher. Two of our members are Durham Mark Masons and they, along with other regular visitors from Durham assisted in the ceremony and bolstered our numbers as they always do.

Our Social boards are very happy and enjoyable affairs with the Durham lads keeping the bar going all on their own. Terrence, Bradley and Andrew accompanied by other members of Semper Paratus attended Kinship meetings which were held throughout the Province, and joined our degree once they had experienced first hand why we are known as the Friendly Degree. Craig applied directly through our great website and attended the social board as a visitor then promptly joined us.

Semper Paratus has its Centenary in 9 years and with these recent Advancements and hopefully more to follow our future is now assured.

Report from Peter Lambert

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