Semper Paratus Open Evening

IMG_0861Semper Paratus Mark Lodge hosted an Open Evening at Audenshaw on the 9th February. The Provincial Grand Master Alexander  McLaren attended accompanied by a number of the Acting Provincial Officers of the Year. 

The PGM occupied the Masters Chair and the Provincial Wardens took office.  The PGM conducted the normal Lodge business  and closed the Lodge. All the Officers remained in position and a group of 6 Craft Masons were admitted.

WBro David Rainford then gave a presentation on the Mark Degree,  which covered the history of the Degree and how it developed in East Lancashire and went on to describe the Province and its Lodges in the present day. The Craft Masons were then given the opportunity to ask questions  before the PGM and the Provincial Deputation retired.


The Social Board was well attended and some excellent meal with some pieces of Beef were enjoyed by the brethren.

The PGM addressed the brethren with the emphasis on why the Degree is known as the Friendly Degree.


On Speaking to the  Craft Brethren at the end of the evening they were happy they had been invited and given the opportunity to learn more about the Mark Degree.

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