On Monday 18 October at Bury Masonic Hall we were very proud to celebrate our Sesquicentenary. In attendance was the Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith accompanied by a full deputation from Grand Lodge in London. Also in attendance was VWBro. John Hartley Smith, Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge, along with a 20 strong East Lancashire deputation.18 members of William Romain Callender Lodge
were also in attendance. The Lodge was opened at 6-05 pm by the Worshipful Master Arthur Woodall who welcomed us all to this very special occasion. The gavel was handed over to the Pro Grand Master who made a point in thanking VWBro. David Brown for compiling the history of the lodge. The lodge closed at 7-55 pm.
45 of the brethren attended the festive board and enjoyed the 3-course meal. It was a most unique and enjoyable evening.