Sesquicentenary evening for WRC 136

On Monday 18 October at Bury Masonic Hall we were very proud to celebrate our Sesquicentenary. In attendance was the Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith accompanied by a full deputation from Grand Lodge in London. Also in attendance was VWBro. John Hartley Smith, Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge, along with a 20 strong East Lancashire deputation.18 members of William Romain Callender Lodge were also in attendance. The Lodge was opened at 6-05 pm by the Worshipful Master Arthur Woodall who welcomed us all to this very special occasion. The gavel was handed over to the Pro Grand Master who made a point in thanking VWBro. David Brown for compiling the history of the lodge. The lodge closed at 7-55 pm.

45 of the brethren attended the festive board and enjoyed the 3-course meal. It was a most unique and enjoyable evening.


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