Snow at Padiham Masonic Hall

Pendle Mark Lodge No 695 held its meeting on Wednesday 8th March on a cold and snowy evening at Padiham Masonic Hall. On this special occasion the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith and WBro David G Rainford, DepPGM, were in attendance along with 16 of the Deputation team.

The Lodge room was bursting at the seams with over 35 brethren. The Lodge opened at 7 pm by the Worshipful Master WBro Martin Blades ProvGJW who offered the PGM the gavel which on this occasion he returned it. The Provincial Grand Master then introduced the deputation team which was one of the largest team visits of the season. The reason for this visit was indeed to thank WBro Martin Blades for his contribution to the Mark degree as the acting Junior Warden of the year and the sterling work as the Assistant Almoner which is a hardy task.

The next item on the summons was to give a talk about the Mark tracing board which was given in a very fitting manner by WBro Bryan Ross, PProvGSO. The Lodge business of the evening being ended the Lodge closed at 8:15. Onto the social board and the atmosphere was electric with over 30 plus sitting down to a lovely 3-course meal served by the staff at £14 a head how do they do it for this money?? A raffle took place and raised a substantial amount for good causes. An excellent evening was enjoyed by all.

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