Brethren of the Royal Ark Mariners Lodges based at Westholme, Rose of York 1010 and Mossley 1381 this morning announced their plans to build a life-sized replica of Noahs Ark in the car park at Mossley Masonic Hall. Sponsors are needed to raise funds for the East Lancs Mark 2021 MBF Festival.

The idea is the brainchild of the latest member of Mossley RAM, Bro Olof Pirla who has just relocated to Mossley from Greece. Bro Pirla has 20 years experience working in the wooden shipbuilding boatyards at Piraeus in Greece and has offered to put his expertise to good use!

“I have 20 years experience working in the wooden shipbuilding boatyards at Piraeus in Greece” explained Armenian born Bro Pirla “before that, I was goatherd in mountains of Armenia” he added, “while tending my goats, I had dream of building Ark as tribute to Armenia’s greatest man, Noah. People there say I crazy man, so I move to Greece. In Greece, I tell my colleagues in Piraeus of my dream. They too say I crazy man, so I move to Mossley. Now I feel right at home”

“When I come to Westholme, I see all trees around and think – our building materials! I see large car park, I think – our boatyard!”

Plans were formulated following a recent meeting of the Royal Ark Mariners of 1010 and 1381 and after several bottles of the obligatory rum, all agreed it was a great idea.

Second in command on the build will be aptly named Mariner, WBro Rowe who also has some experience in this area. “I built a model yacht in 5th form woodwork class years ago” he said “unfortunately it sank on it’s maiden voyage at Salford Docks, but I think I know where I went wrong” he went on to explain.

Construction will start during the summer recess and it is hoped the Ark will be complete within 12 months. Disruption will be kept to a minimum (the Ark will be large enough to accommodate cars in the meantime).

Sponsorship forms will be distributed shortly and sponsors will be asked to donate per square cubit completed or by a simple fixed sum. All Sponsors will be guaranteed a place in the Ark for themselves and their partners in the event of the next flood of biblical proportions.

Mossley Ark Build Sponsor Form


  1. mark rowe Reply

    Awoke this morning to rain rain and more rain. So I am in B and Q now buying nails for the Ark. I have asked for 10 buckets of pitch but they think I am mad. If it keeps raining like this we are going to need that Ark.

    1. Garry Errock Reply

      Funnily enough I was driving through Wigan in the rain the other day and stopped to ask a passing local if there was a B&Q in Wigan. He thought for a moment and said “Nooo lad, but there’s a W an I a G an A and an N”. Strange place.

  2. Graham Mangham Reply

    I would relay be interested in getting involved in building the Ark.
    Unfortunatly my joinery and boat building skills cannot be compared to Bro Olof Pirla, like Bro Rowe I also built a model boat in my youth but unlike Bro Rowe mine managed to stay afloat, untill it sank.
    I have downloaded the sponsor form and have started to get sponsors for this fantastic project.
    Susan has given her full cooperation and consent to me spending many hour away from the home and family whilst the work is carried out to completion in the safe knowlage that, if and when there is another flood of biblical proportions we will be saved.
    Please sponsor the building of this Ark by downloading the sponsor form and give it your lodge charity steward who I am sure will ensure we all donate to this worthy cause.
    Looking forward to all your support over the next 12 months and completion of the Ark

    1. Garry Errock Reply

      Any financial help for this project would be gratefully appreciated (by the 2021 Festival !)

  3. Keith Schofield Reply

    This post wouldn’t have anything to do with today’s date would it! !!!

    1. Garry Errock Reply

      As if…

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